Pat Hardie - Altered Art Studio

Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo

Monday, January 25, 2010

500 Art Quilts

I'm doing a 'happy dance' this week. 500 Art Quilts published by Lark Books has just been released and I got my copy several days ago. If you have a chance to see the book, I'm on page 405 in full living colour with a large photo of From Town to Country, an art quilt I finished almost 2 years ago. Last year it spent 3 months touring with the PAQA-S exhibit entitled Transitions. I am still in awe of being included with so many talented fibre artists, many of whom have helped with getting this art form the acceptance it has today.

I've entered the Illuminations exhibit with my piece entitled The Wedding. Results will be posted on the PAQA-S website on Feb. 13th. I've got my fingers crossed but am not holding my breath. What will be, will be as they say.