Travelog - Day 17, Feb. 17
Today is also a 2-part adventure. This morning we are going to see a bird banding demonstration at the Valley Nature Centre here in Weslaco. Before driving there, we pull into the Holiday Inn where I pick up their wireless connection and ‘get the mail’. Worked last night, but not today as the signal strength is only 4%. We try Brian’s resort and similar results. I don’t feel comfortable going into the main building. We leave and one block away - 40% but no place to stop so we don’t.
The Nature Centre is actually part of a community park with swimming pool, etc. The building itself is decrepid and so rundown that I’m amazed that it is still standing. Entrance is $5 for both of us. A high school teacher of biology doing the banding aptly describes the process as “somewhat like fishing, you sit and wait”. Today is not a good day; only 3 birds in 2 hours, one of which is a humingbird, one a small pigeon and I never get the name of the tiny sparrow-like one. The latter prompts a discussion about identifying birds, a little too esoteric for us. However we wander the trails and I come across this chachalaca & mate. Nothing else is happening so we wander around the exhibit which is great for school teachers & students. Without hurrying we manage to arrive at Brian’s exactly on time.
We’re off to Mexico, about a 20 minute drive to the border where we leave our cars in the $1.50 parking lot and walk across the bridge after having put a quarter in the turnstyle. It’s 30 cents to return; no one know why. On the opposite side the noise from speakers and dirt from the road is overwhelming.
Our first stop is actually the first ‘department’ store where we MUST have our first marguarita. Brian asks if I want the $1, $2, or $3 size. I opt for the smallest and good thing too. He advises I drink slowly from the straw due to ‘cold chest’. The 3 guys hang around the ‘bar’ while us 3 women wander the store. And so it goes. We walk down one side of the street which is hughly crowded (3-day weekend since Monday is Lincoln’s birthday).
One more big store, called Canada Store, before we hit the end and Jayne announces that a ‘bar’ stop is necessary. The loudest bar with live music, couples dancing. We take a table and almost immediately have to move outside due to the noise. I opt for a beer this time. The last big store is at the end and this is where I make my purchases, including 3 very colourful, mesh carry-alls. Of course I have to buy pottery which is very heavy and has to be lugged along the other half of the street. I find 3 stores of interest on the way back and eventually find 2 fish that I have been searching for. No rusty cactus garden ornaments though.
Last stop is the duty-free of course. I have to take a picture of the wall of Crown Royal boxes which is right next to a similar Bailey one. You can guess what people are buying. On our way back there is a long, dusty wait to pass through the border and then another to pay the Texas tax - $1.25 per bottle. BTW you are limited to one liter per trip, as many trips as you like per day apparently. A phenomenal amount of money is raised at this crossing alone according to Brian. We retire to Brian’s for hors d’oeuvres before going to a Big Daddy’s just down the street for a barbecue dinner which, in my opinion, is not as what Al makes.
Back at the trailer I hop into the shower to remove the layers of dirt and dust. This campground doesn’t really have showers except those attached to the pool, so Al showers in the trailer for the first time. He pronounces our shower, “OK, but crowded”.
The pictures of the quilts are exquisite Pat. Also love all the birs especially that little one being held. Seen any spoons anywhere.
Hi to Pat and Al,
I am only on this page 17 so have a ways to go. it is great to be able to read your news. Wishing we were there! Rick Hillier shot his mouth off and taking lots of backlash from politicians but letters to the editor support him. Basically blamed the Liberals for the sorry state of forces. Kemptville hot about Walmarts. Had my skating lesson with Jessica, she is getting good and grandmother is still standing! My back is much improved. Took Virginia to her big Dr. appt. and the knee has improved greatly, now she has heavy duty exercising to do. Your writing is very good Pat and I love the photos. Keep up the good work.
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