Pat Hardie - Altered Art Studio

Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Waco, TX & Curves International

Once I realized that the large metropolis of Waco was on I-35 between Dallas and Austin, I mandate a visit to the Curves head office. MS Streets & Trips (software on our laptop) lets us down big time. We proceed as instructed only to be caught in a residential area between 4th and 5th streets, a one-way ‘U’. Intelligence takes over and we ‘wing’ it finally getting back onto Waco Dr., a major E-W route through the city. Excellent decision as it turns out The second stop to ask the whereabouts of Ritchie Dr nets me a clerk with a map and we continue in the same direction. Waco Dr. eventually changes to Woodward, but at that point we have two choices. I opt for the right hand one. We drive, and drive, and drive. Al gives up. I say “Carry on. I haven’t come this far to get so close”. “OK” he says. “You’re on your own.” I spot Hewitt Dr. just when he threatens to turn around. We carry on and to my delight there is a very large sign announcing Ritchie. As we approach to turn left, VOILA a very lovely, two-storey, sandstone & cedar building with a Curves sign sitting on the top of an embankment giving a very nice view westward. I am so relieved; I was quite prepared to be annoyed if the building were mundane or ugly; after all I have come a long way and ‘I am worth it’. Being Sunday, the parking lot is empty so we have the place to ourselves. No money has been spared – aside from the admin bldg., there is also a long training/product centre. The property is expertly landscaped including waterfall and sprinkler system. I won’t tell you about the ‘great’ surprise found at the far end of the training centre. I’ll let the picture speak for itself. My only regret is not to be able to go in and introduce myself at the main reception, maybe even sign a guest book. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have.

I've not taken the time to really organize the presentation of the above images. Seems you have to think in reverse, as the last image uploaded presents as the first. So be it. The first - 5 red ones is the surprise I found around the corner of the Curves Products entrance. I did indeed avail myself of the facilities; unfortunately the running water was not.
The next row of images: the main building from the side showing a balcony which gives a wonderful view of the 'valley' beyond. Then the waterfalls (two of them if you look carefully at the top of the photo)
That's our 'rig' parked in the middle of the front entrance. And finally 'may I present me as the employee of the month. Or is it Leila.