Pat Hardie - Altered Art Studio

Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo

Saturday, February 09, 2008

On the way to Savannah, Georgia

Up later than usual. This Quality Inn has some ‘quality’, advertising itself as ‘new rooms’. Well that’s debatable in our opinion, but at least it’s not shabby like last night as it receives my ‘clean’ approval. They offer a variety of discounts which when taken give us the same price when the $20 for pets is taken into consideration. Wireless works and breakfast is the best yet – want whatever, get it, heat it, etc. yourself. No problem from our point of view.
We set off just short of 9:00am with only a short drive today. Good thing too as I had had it for some reason round about 4:00pm yesterday. Good case of the cranky’s I had.
No problems navigating until I missed a right turn and we ended up in the middle of Savannah. Lots of turns later and we were back on track.
We will stay the weekend here on Tybee Island. Very nice RV place from our point of view as we’re not interested in the social, etc. We’re parked in amongst some VERY big motorhomes, but so nice and quiet . And only a quick stroll to the beach – dogs not allowed unfortunately. So I did a stroll. Tide was still going out. I should have taken the camera with me. Tomorrow for sure. I did bring back 2 finds: a rather large crab shell, probably a horseshoe and a perfect elongated spiral shell. Saw 3 very different varieties of sea birds that were resting on the shoreline, head in neck style, as well as one pelican flying overhead.
Later in the day we drove into town to pick up some groceries having taken nothing with us due to possible border snatches. (We could have brought any food imagineable based on our crossing). Prices are a wee bit high compared to home, in the fresh fruit & veg dept. Al spies a wonderful steak and then we find the shrimp. After an interesting conversation with a local, we retire to Sting Rays where I purchase a take-out, the local specialty. Not cheap for sure. $16 for 7 shrimp, sausage, potatoes etc. all of which I will heat up. Sure smells good though.
Tomorrow I will post some pictures.


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