Today we will visit Neuveo Laredo, Mexico. Hope I've spelt the name correctly. This orange flower is just one of many that line the road in the state park where we are staying.

This buggy driver will take you anywhere. The main street is not as crowded as the one in Progresso (near Weslaco & Mercedes TX) will be. In fact shop keepers tell me that business is very slow. When I mention that our park host told us that coming to Neuevo Laredo was safe, just leave before 6pm, the shopkeeper was not surprised. In fact many of the shops on the second level of the market are closed. One of the best boutiques (as described by Moon's travel guide) is a 3 storey dept store. Wonderful selection of Mexican designer clothing, jewellery, pottery, hand blown glass & furniture. While the book described the prices as being 'boutique', I didn't find them all that bad considering the quality and what I might pay in Canada.

Al declines my offer to wait for him while he has his tooth inspected.
Our dentist did an emergency filling for him just before we left. And a few days ago another small piece came off. 'Doesn't hurt'

he says. Very fortunate for him.

Is there a clock tower in the world that doesn't attract pigeons?
The main street of Neuevo Laredo, Mexico is receiving a face-lift.

As you can see painters works with virtually no safety harnesses, etc.
If you have a tooth ache, there are plenty of dentists to choose from. Other popular services include eye exams, hair cuts, foot/back massage, manicures, pedicures... the list is long.
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