Pat Hardie - Altered Art Studio

Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

End of story

Thought you might like to know that we are now safely home. Unfortunately disasters awaited us, 3 of them and all in one day.
After travelling of course there are many loads of laundry to be done. Cut to the chase - after about 4 loads (front loader so not that much water) and the drains were making funny sounds. Fortunately there was no overflow inside the house, but I flipped the breaker in the main fuse panel to shut off the sewage pump just in case and laid down many towels in front of toilets and shower. Frozen pipe between septic tank and filter bed. Wearing coveralls and big rubber gloves I thread the hose which is connected to the hot water tank into the offending pipe to begin the defronst de-ice process. While the plumber was assisting Al outside, Leila upchucked the lining of her stomach necessitating a trip to the vet and hence to doggie hospital where she stayed for 3 days. Don't know what she ate, but there has been a bit of an outbreak in the dog population with similar symptoms. She is now home and fine. Our last bit of bad luck was Al slipping on the ice covering the lawn. The next day I finally persuade him to have his wrist x-rayed. Soft tissue damage only - elevate and ice the wrist is the advice.
So now it is Tuesday, many days after our return and I think all is well. Well almost as I await my SAS postcard to tell me my winning quilt has been received in North Carolina which was the reason we returned home over a week early. I really don't want to imagine what would have happened if we had returned on schedule - septic system better or worse?
March break here has been absolutely fabulous if we can overlook those minor inconveniences of not being able to shower or wash dishes or... The ice is almost completely gone from the river and I predict that for the first time in almost 20 years we will be able to cross the lake to our cottage on Easter weekend. I'm going. Anyone want to help put the docks in?


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