Some of you may know that I submitted an entry to my first-ever juried art show. Well golly-gee-whiz, Town and Country made the cut and will be on display in 3 different venues until November in North Carolina compliments of PAQA-South.
For more information about this group, please go to
You can see some of the award winners as posted on the following blogs.
Best of Show (Cathy York's Doors Across Austin) at
Karen Fridy has a few pictures in her Apr. 19th posting.
You'll have to scroll about half way down (watch the screen scroll bar on the right) to catch a glimpse of the wonderful exhibit space and Karen's piece along side Nancy Cooks' Seed Play series. If you look closely behind the camera in the second picture of Deborah being interviewed, there are two pieces hung one over the other and just barely visible. Mine is the bottom one.
Scroll down to her Nov.1 entry to see Ann's Focus & Montag's Legacy, based on an MRI of her brain. . This website represents 5 fibre artists. The April 21st entry shows pictures of the View's Choice winner, Nancy Cook's Seed Play series. The Member's Choice winner, Deborah Langsam's entry Under the Watchful Eye of Charlotte was chosen as the image for this exhibit's postcard.
Finally, to see the other Canadian accepted into this Transitions show, Woman Waiting 1 by Pamela Allen is posted in her Feb. 17th entry at - And now for some close-ups and backside views of my entry.