Pat Hardie - Altered Art Studio

Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo

Monday, November 08, 2010

Puppies - last time

I have to confess, we don't have grandchildren, so I decided a few years back that the only ammunition I had when folks would proudly display photos of their grandson or daughter, was to counter with ones of our grand-dogs.

You've heard the expression 'leapin lizards'. How about leaping puppy?
BTW, this puppy talks and let's you know how she feels. Too funny.

Seems greenery is tastier and more appealing than a stuffed toy. And yes she learned to travel through the culverts.

A momentary 'pause' in the play fighting battle.

The toy did survive intact. Sorry to say I missed a wonderful shot of Oreo playing tug-of-war with Gypsy's tail one day. Gypsy is so tolerant, almost to a fault. She didn't seem to mind when during the first few days the little one decided to eat her food; she just backed away and let her nosh until one of us put a stop to that. When Gypsy tried to pull that stunt with Leila, Leila had the smarts to give her the 'word'. Oreo now has better table manners and sits and waits while Gypsy is tended to first and then - get this, continues to wait until told she may go to her bowl.
Speaking of food, these dogs are vegetarians. Gypsy has taught Oreo many skills, among them how to pick her own tomatoes off the plants in Al's garden. The big missed photo was of Oreo, not eating the tomato although she does do that, but of her digging a hole in my freshly prepared flower area and burying a rather large tomato. I've heard of dogs burying bones, but not tomatoes.


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