Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo
I'm to be published

Oh my goodness gracious me. One of my artquilts - From Town to Country is to be published in a new Lark Book entitled 500 Artquilts and available in 2010. I am truely thrilled to be included with the likes of Pamela Allen, Elaine Quehl, Holly Knott - the list is ever so long. It seems so long ago that I made the submission. Had really forgotten about it after reading what I thought was a statement that the book would not be published due to the economic turndown. Perhaps it was only a postponement that I read. Doesn't matter 'cause apparently it's gonna happen.
From Town to Country is currently residing in Fayetteville, NC at the third and last venue of the PAQA-S Transitions juried exhibit. It comes home sometime after Nov. 8th. I did post about that spectacular (for me) achievement back in April, but I'll post another picture of it here so you don't have to search.
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