Cottage for Sale

Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo
I have to confess, we don't have grandchildren, so I decided a few years back that the only ammunition I had when folks would proudly display photos of their grandson or daughter, was to counter with ones of our grand-dogs. You've heard the expression 'leapin lizards'. How about leaping puppy?
BTW, this puppy talks and let's you know how she feels. Too funny. Seems greenery is tastier and more appealing than a stuffed toy. And yes she learned to travel through the culverts.
When puppies are this young, they don't stay still for long. And everytime I got down to dog height, she took off. Who is she? Well her real name is Knightcastle Audrey's Tiffany, but we call her Oreo because she's as sweet as a cookie. I in turn have shortened her name even further, preferring to call her Reo. She's absolutely adorable, cute and cuddy. Well not so cuddly now at roughly 20 weeks or 5 months and 30+ lbs. Certainly too heavy to pick up with one hand at this stage.
She's quite the fearless critter. Here you see her trying to climb up on Gypsy (she does this regularly) while Pepper is left wondering what on earth is going on.
The following photos were taken the first week she came home at 9 weeks.
One of the great joys of my garden this year has been the vine arrangement at the front of the house. These two vines whose names escape me at the moment, have been over-wintered for at least 4 years. My efforts were finally rewarded with a spectacular profusion of blooms all summer. Lastly I'd like to show you the finished rock garden, the last big project of the season, & that borders the septic field. Previously this area was almost totally overgrown. I set Steve to the task of removing the rocks, digging out the weeds and giving the soil a good rototilling. Then I planted rocks. I'll consider what plants to add here and in the 'rockery' to the left over the winter.
My last post alluded to my monumental landscaping activities this past spring and summer. Tons of rock and gravel were shifted as Steve, my wonderful hired hand, and I became very physically fit. The rock garden below, our second project, was to have been next year's project, but we were on a roll. Too bad I don't have a 'before' picture to show how many wheelbarrow loads of clay type soil we moved out & dumped on the top of the riverbank with hopes of curtailing some of the erosion. The idea here was to create individual flower beds surrounded by rock and filling in the rest with rock such that you can step or climb anywhere going up or down. It's difficult to see but the size of some of these rocks is amazing, additionally amazing in that we were actually able to move them from the trailer at the front to the back and then place them. It's called leverage combined with Steve's upper body strength.
It's been such a long time since I even considered posting to my blog, started mainly as a way for friends to follow vicariously along on our adventures. These stopped last winter when my husband declared he had no wish to be dragging a 27' trailer down to the States or anywhere else for that matter despite my willingness to help drive. The trailer is now history as we sold it in early spring. Then in May a bleeding ulcer hospitalized my husband for 4 days, not normally such a big deal but for some reason it has lead to other serious health concerns. He's now somewhat stabilized and has changed GP's (now that's a story and a half), so there is nothing more I can do.
As if that weren't enough, about 3 weeks ago I managed to drive a very large spike through my right foot, thankfully missing any bone, but leaving me on crutches for 4-5days.
Throughout all of this, I considered cancelling a trip to Rajasthan, India, one I had booked quite some time ago. The good news is that I leave on Nov.11th. I go by bus to Montreal where I board an Air France flight (on the advice of son & DIL), stopping in Paris and then on to Delhi. I arrive at a terrible hour - almost midnight so won't see my bed until at least 2 in the morning. The tour company has arranged for the hotel to pick me up - thank goodness since wrestling over who has control over my luggage (local tout or me) is not a pleasant thought.
At the last minute I decided to buy a netbook computer to take with me. Very time consuming as I spent 6 hours of researching (in the end didn't get my choice but I did get an exceptionally good buy but reduced battery time), half day into Ottawa to buy, too many hours getting email set up, bookmarks, un-installing the crap these things come with... Hopefully hauling 2.7 lbs in my back pack will allow me to stay in touch with husband in case something arises. An added bonus will be that I might be able to 'blog' about the trip. No promises, mind, as who knows what wireless Internet services will be available.
If time allows between now and my departure, I shall post pictures of my summer's work - landscaping at the house. This was my 'art' work for the summer as I worked with Steve (my much appreciated and fun 'hired' hand) to build a new staircase to the back deck and re-designing some much over grown flower beds. And if you're lucky I'll post pictures as well of the latest addition to our household - a puppy named Oreo (she is such a cookie), or 'Reo for short. And I shall also go on record as having declared that the last thing we needed in this household was a puppy to look after. This 'little one' now weighs over 30lbs almost half the weight of a mature female flat coated retriever of 65 lbs. Our other FC, Leila who died suddenly in January was super-sized at a whoppin' 75lbs, larger and heavier than most males. And maybe I shall tell you a little about Gypsy's response to having become an only dog, then in June have to learn how to share her owners with this little one.
So I'll email folks about the ressurection of the blog. Hope you'll have time and the inclination to follow along with me in India. Talk to you later.
I'm doing a 'happy dance' this week. 500 Art Quilts published by Lark Books has just been released and I got my copy several days ago. If you have a chance to see the book, I'm on page 405 in full living colour with a large photo of From Town to Country, an art quilt I finished almost 2 years ago. Last year it spent 3 months touring with the PAQA-S exhibit entitled Transitions. I am still in awe of being included with so many talented fibre artists, many of whom have helped with getting this art form the acceptance it has today.
I've entered the Illuminations exhibit with my piece entitled The Wedding. Results will be posted on the PAQA-S website on Feb. 13th. I've got my fingers crossed but am not holding my breath. What will be, will be as they say.
Last weekend I delivered some of my 'stuff' to Dave, the owner of Homestead Gallery. south of Kemptville, Ontario. I figure he might just as well display my pieces as have them languish unseen on my walls or hidden in drawers or closets. Only time will tell if this is a successful venture. At some point he will be mounting pictures of my work on his website at
Pat Hardie's AlteredART Studio: 2nd place for Room for Three
I recently entered my latest piece in a juried exhibit with the number 3 as a theme (this is their 3rd year of operation). Last night was the vernissage or opening with wonderful food and ambiance. All were hoping for a SRO situation, but given the very chilly weather I was glad not to be standing outside on the sidewalk as I had done in the year previous. Pictures of the event will be posted shortly on their website at
Click on the button (LHS)Previous Themed Nights to view photos of the affair.
Meanwhile this is the piece that is on exhibit.