Pat Hardie - Altered Art Studio

Adventures with artquilts, fibres, neckties and 2 very fine flatcoat retrievers - Gypsy & Reo

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pat Hardie's AlteredART Studio: 2nd place for Room for Three

Pat Hardie's AlteredART Studio: 2nd place for Room for Three

2nd place for Room for Three

I recently entered my latest piece in a juried exhibit with the number 3 as a theme (this is their 3rd year of operation). Last night was the vernissage or opening with wonderful food and ambiance. All were hoping for a SRO situation, but given the very chilly weather I was glad not to be standing outside on the sidewalk as I had done in the year previous. Pictures of the event will be posted shortly on their website at
Click on the button (LHS)Previous Themed Nights to view photos of the affair.
Meanwhile this is the piece that is on exhibit.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm to be published

Oh my goodness gracious me. One of my artquilts - From Town to Country is to be published in a new Lark Book entitled 500 Artquilts and available in 2010. I am truely thrilled to be included with the likes of Pamela Allen, Elaine Quehl, Holly Knott - the list is ever so long. It seems so long ago that I made the submission. Had really forgotten about it after reading what I thought was a statement that the book would not be published due to the economic turndown. Perhaps it was only a postponement that I read. Doesn't matter 'cause apparently it's gonna happen.
From Town to Country is currently residing in Fayetteville, NC at the third and last venue of the PAQA-S Transitions juried exhibit. It comes home sometime after Nov. 8th. I did post about that spectacular (for me) achievement back in April, but I'll post another picture of it here so you don't have to search.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

#$@% Curvy Edges

Some of you may know that I tend to use only recycled fabrics and objects. In this piece I gratefully accepted some new material from two friends, Nancy - for the fringe & Frances - one of the rugs (from the Out-of-the-Box fibre art group) to help me with this piece. My difficulty with trying a B&W piece is that very few clothing items (my main source of fabric) are made from gray or grayish coloured fabric. They tend to be black or white, or if in combination, very high contrast thus creating another challenge in completing this piece.
However, this is not my difficulty at this point. I frequently use recycled zippers, either in whole or part, as embellishment. In this piece I have used whole zippers in the interior to divide the piece into three - on the right is a working zipper. I have used half zippers as the border. Before attaching the borders, I very carefully steamed the piece, measured and pinned the zippers. When they didn't lie flat, I ripped and tried again to no avail. This is not the first time I have encountered this problem. I have noticed that some fleece jackets have a less than flat front zipper, so am wondering if it is the difference in weight between fabric (in my case the quilt) and the thinner weight zipper.

Anyone got any ideas of what I can do or should have done????
Oh yes, I call this work - Room for Three and hope that the local gallery will accept it into their latest show with a theme based on the number three. The accompanying description is as follows - My world in black & white consists of a cozy chair with footrest and a fireplace that also functions as a television. When friends come to visit, my room can expand. Of course life would not be complete without a window and doorway leading to a garden.